How to Pose for Personal Branding and Headshot Photos

Since Personal Branding and Headshot Photos are essential to getting your name or business’ name out there, here are some tips you can follow on how to pose for these photos:

1. Just Be Your Yourself – No need to be a supermodel!

“Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are.” – Mandy Hale.

Remember, you introduce who you are with your Houston headshot photos, so you have to show the real you! When you are yourself, the right people will eventually come to you. These photos will show your clients what you look like and let them know your personality.

How to Pose for Personal Branding and Headshot Photos

2. Know what you want to communicate with your photos (Happy, Serious, or Studious).

Setting the right mood or tone for your business and marketing pictures is vital to communicate what you want with your photos. Will it be happy, serious, or studios? If you’re aiming for happy images, you should show your best genuine smile. Make sure your eyes are also smiling; otherwise, it will look scripted and posed. Happy photos show good social relationships.

On the other hand, serious or studious images can be achieved with the right outfit, make-up, and Houston indoor photo studio locations with hand-painted backdrops or natural light studio. These photos are typically used in the corporate world or for business purposes and corporate headshots. Being studious in photos can let people know that you mean business and is a person who is focused on achieving your business goals.

3. Know your audience – who are you trying to reach with the photo (Moms, Business owners, etc.)

Understanding who your audience is vital in coming up with your Houston Heights Personal Branding and Headshot Photos. Make sure you are addressing your target audience and that you can deliver your message through your photos. Ensure you are making the right content for the right people to connect effectively with your audience.

How to Pose for Personal Branding and Headshot Photos

4. Just relax and have fun!

If you’re stressed and nervous, your facial expressions will look unnatural. The best way for you to relax is to have confidence and trust your photographer during the shoot. Try to do poses you usually are comfortable doing. Go back to tip number 1! Stick to your true self, as that is what will relax you. We chose to go with a fun colorful wall and mural in the Houston Heights for Bre’s new photographer headshots for her portrait business in Kileen, Texas.

These are just some of the fun tips you can incorporate during your photo session! 

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Are you ready to have the best Houston Personal Branding and Corporate Headshot Photos? We’ll be happy to help you level up your business and marketing.

Contact us today!
