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Balancing It All as a Single Mom
As I sit here in my bed going through all of the details of the day, I’m wondering what the hell did I sign up for with this parenting and helping out at Ivory’s school gig. I’m tired. I think I’ve been coughed on way to many times today and I feel myself coming down with a cold.
I wanted to write this beautiful and eloquent tribute to my daughter, Grace, for her birthday on Monday. Here it is Wednesday and I still haven’t been able to finish it. Let me honest, I only have three lines done. And if I’m super honest, I probably won’t hit publish for a few weeks. This week has gone to shits and I’m just happy both of my kids are still alive. I know some of you all are too.
Regardless of the nutrional value or there lack of of Mc Donald’s, we’ve had more than a few cheeseburgers and fries this week and a frozen pizza for dinner tonight. And guess what? My kids still love me. What matters most to them is that I’m present, so all though I didn’t have an eloquent blog post done to publicly share my love for Grace. I showed it the best way I know how: in private. She doesn’t care about my Google analytics and all that jazz, what she did care about was that mommy planned the best birthday party dinner (known to her as a “hangout” for her and her friends). What mattered is that I checked out of social media and my business and into her life. That’s all our kids really need: is us. Even when I’m tired and driving from Grace’s basketball game to Ivory’s Cub Scout meeting, I try to handle it all with Grace.
G- Give unterupted time to my children
R- Remain patient
A- Allow mistakes
C- Call for help if needed
E-Enjoy every moment that I have on this earth with them.
Feel free to check out and check back in. The world can wait for your awesomeness.
As usual, I’m typing in the middle of the night and my editor hasn’t had a chance to proof. My apologies. ivermectin 3 mg tablet dosage
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